Common Core Catastrophe: US Public Schools Drop from 5th to 13th Place in Global Ranking

A newly published report on the effectiveness of the Common Core standards for America’s public school curriculum has Core crusaders scrambling to find excuses for the catastrophic results.

Statistics from the recently released Progress in International Reading Literacy Study reveal that students in the United States have fallen from fifth place in the world to 13th.

In Spring 2009, governors of all but two states signed a Common Core Standards Memorandum of Agreement. This committed their states to participate. The process leads to the development and adoption of the Common Core State Standards.

The standards were drafted largely behind closed doors by academics and assessment “experts.” Many had ties to testing companies. Of the 25 individuals in the work groups that created the standards, six were associated with the test makers from the College Board, five with the test publishers at ACT, and four with Achieve. Zero teachers were in the



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