Nezar Hamze conducting weapons training at Darul Uloom mosque in Pembroke Pines, Florida (Screenshot WTSP-TV video).
A leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in South Florida also serves as a deputy for the Broward County Sheriff’s office, which is under fire for its handling of the Valentine’s Day school shooting in which 17 people were killed.
Nezar Hamze is the regional operations director for the Florida chapter of CAIR, whose national office was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding scheme and was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.
How, then, asked anti-Shariah activist Joe Kaufman in a 2015 column for FrontPage Magazine, “is it possible that one of [CAIR’s] leaders, Nezar Hamze, could be considered for a position at one of the most prominent Sheriff’s offices in the United States?”
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