The Broward Count Sun-Sentinille goes to court tomorrow to force the Sheriff to hand over external security videos of the Parkland shooting. The Sun-Sentinille is arguing for the release of the videos in order to help the citizens of the county make informed decisions and not depend on just what the Sheriff wants them to know. There are a lot of unanswered questions as to just exactly the Sheriff Department’s response actually was. Is this asking for too much too soon, or is it owed the citizens?
As Written and Reported By Beth Baumaan for Townhall:
The Broward County-based Sun-Sentinel will appear in court on Thursday to argue for access to information that took place during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Valentine’s Day.
According to an editorial by the Sun-Sentinel, there are aspects of the shooting that remain a mystery, in large part, because Sheriff Scott Israel refuses to hand over