Benghazi Terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala Acquitted of Murder

Ahmed Abu Khattala was found not guilty of murder in the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, but was convicted on terrorism charges. Of the 18 original charges against him, the federal jury found him guilty of only 4. He was acquitted of the most serious charges, and now faces only a 60 year prison sentence for the lesser ones. The lesser charges included: maliciously destroying American property and carrying a semi-automatic weapon during a crime of violence.

Using criminal charges against terrorists is ridiculous.

The previous administration granted a foreign war combatant rights under the US Constitution. While some media claimed that it proved that civilian courts could handle terrorism cases, it actually proves the opposite. The result is a mixed verdict by people who have never been in combat and don’t have a clue. Benghazi was war – it occurred in Libya, and was the product of combat



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