In May of 2017, the pro-God, pro-family, and pro-freedom organization Homemakers for America published its Declaration of Mothers and since then it has taken the country by storm.
8 million members in 150 countries including more than 4,000 U.S. cities and all 50 states have signed the declaration.
As well as, several governors have proclaimed March 8 International Mothers Influence Day. Last month the Declaration was entered into the Congressional Record.
So who are these women and what impact are they making?
On March 8, 2018, Moms across America will join a national press conference in DC. It will be to present the Declaration of Mothers to Congress and the nation. It is declaring the self-evident truths that will dramatically decrease violence, increase prosperity, promote civility, and heal our nation from the inside out. (Details at the end of the article.)
HomemakersForAmerica explains:
Founded in 2004, HomeMakers for America is national, non-profit 501c3