Will Ken Burns’ Twisted Version Of The Vietnam War Endure?

Note From Tami Jackson, editor of Barbwire where this post first appeared: One of the great honors of my life was to work as the Social Media Marketing Director for Richard Botkin’s Ride the Thunder movie — a film that told the TRUTH about Vietnam: that our soldiers were honorable and fighting a righteous war, helping the South Vietnamese battle the Communists. I saw South Vietnamese weep after watching the film, their story told at last. And to all the men who fought in Vietnam, thank-you from the bottom of my heart and “Welcome home!” To Rich, thanks for giving me the privilege of being part of the Ride the Thunder family, part of a group whose worthy goal was, to tell the truth! Tami Jackson


By Richard Botkin

“No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now.” Richard Nixon’s



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