Watch Sarah Sanders Own CNN’s Jim Acosta: ‘I’m not taking another question from you.”

I don’t think I could love Sarah Huckabee Sanders any more than I do. She is the absolute best White House Press Secretary ever! I find myself cheering for her when I watch her handle with ease a deceitful, scandal-hungry, rude bunch of reporters.

Monday, she did it again. She absolutely OWNED Jim Acosta, CNN reporter. Watch and be amazed. This woman is just the best. Seriously, it’s getting to the point I’d rather watch Sarah than “This is Us.” She’s that good.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been the White House Press Secretary since May, and at a mere 35 years old, she has done a spectacular job. She gets asked the most insulting and ridiculous questions day in and day out and somehow manages to make it all look easy. Sanders has attributed her ability to handle the press to being a parent to young, demanding kids.



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