The Redheaded Stepchild

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Donald Trump is the Liberal Left’s Redheaded Stepchild. Shades of shooters on the grassy knoll! President Trump can’t do anything right. If he stooped over to tie his shoe the WingNuts would go viral claiming that he was fashioning a noose to hang Al Sharpton. Wait, that’s not a bad idea, but I digress.

The President called the widow of a fallen soldier, and during the conversation he said something to the effect of the young man knew what he signed up for. So, the Fake News Service took that line and ran with it like Colin Kaepernick with a football, well not exactly that, he’s not running any footballs these days, and he needs to know I don’t like tomatoes on my Big Mac.

My son is a retired Master Chief from the Navy. I can’t count the times he’s served our country in a state



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