The real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama

Arrogance personified

Upon entering the White House, Barack Obama had control of three major indoctrination sources (main-stream media, entertainment industry, and an altogether corrupt, failing educational system) that gave him the primary colors needed to paint over any Norman Rockwell portrait of Americana. Using his broad, idealistic, Marxist brush, he painted his depictions and visions of a collective Utopia. He depended upon his subservient sources to cultivate electorate ignorance, and his own brazen lies to implement his policies.

After eight years of doing everything in his power to destroy our constitutional Republic, the end is here. Fearing that Donald Trump will undo his undoing of our nation, he cries, whines, and wails about preserving his legacy. The MSM provides him the format to rebuke Americans for their obvious misunderstanding of his magnificence; he feels we still don’t get it. Consequently, he plunges into ever-increasing depths of depression, and frequent…



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