SSDI fails woman who’s now living on the streets

Amanda is disabled and now homeless

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, funded by workers’ payroll taxes, in which the SSDI would provide a monthly income and other benefits for those who are disabled and unable to work, but for Amanda Richer, that system has failed her.

Richer, who’s disabled and is living on the streets in Seattle, Washington. She walks to her appointments, which average 1-4 medical appointments in most weeks.

Richer suffers from traumatic brain injury or TBI, which lists a number behavioral dysfunction ranges from emotionally labile (mood swings), depression, and hyperactivity to aggression, sexual inappropriateness, and elopement (running away). Even lack of activity, or initation, can be a behavioral problem.

A non-profit organization, Invisible People, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness said of her condition, “Manda is an amazing woman. She is disabled from severe brain



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