Shocking Results When Feds Test the System Making 79 Attempts to Illegally Buy Firearms

The MSM would have us believe that bad guys have no problem whatsoever going online and buying firearms. They would also have us believe that we need more laws to make sure that they are stopped from being able to do so. The problem, of course, is that we already have plenty of laws on the books. So are they working?

Liberals believe they are not, but have no actual data to back up that claim. To make their case, three Democrat congressmen (including Elizabeth Warren) initiated a study whereby the feds would pose as buyers with questionable applications online and see how many slipped through the cracks and were allowed to buy. It would also concurrently show how many sellers were willing to ignore red flags and sell, regardless of the buyer’s profile.

The results were not what the Democrats were hoping for.

Government Accountability Office employees posing as sketchy buyers



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