Liberal Press Desperately Priming Americans for Chelsea Clinton Onslaught

The liberal media just can’t get enough of the corrupt and colluding Clintons it seems, after Chelsea Clinton has undeservedly made headlines this week.

After her mother was embarrassed by Donald Trump’s massive electoral victory in November, Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton’s political future now seems inevitable after a glowing Politico article hit the web this week.

seemed to be much more available to the press than her mourning mother.  Now, one of the left’s most ardent press support organizations is practically gushing over the youngest Clinton, almost guaranteeing a political career is in store for the former first daughter.

“In an article published Monday, Politico’s Annie Karni hyped Chelsea Clinton’s future political life as responsive to the election of Donald Trump as president, as if Clinton’s parents have not sought to groom her to further their family business of politics.

“Karni boosted Clinton’s political acumen, describing her as ‘uber-careful’ and ‘wonky like her…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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