Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 1 of 2

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based upon our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone. 

What we about to tell you might surprise some while affirming what others have suspected for quite some time but either way it needs to be told.

And why…because ‘Big Brother’ is indeed watching us, but in a far more devious and sinister way than those two words usually imply for the simple fact is that he who controls the media, social networks, and the internet controls not just the flow of information but controls exactly what information is disseminated.
‘Fake news’ has become a buzz word for conservatives since the early days of the Trump campaign, but ‘fake news’ doesn’t really even begin to explain the depth and breadth of the situation we now face. It is becoming harder and harder to believe anything you see or hear



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