Cult Survivor: ‘As You Learned To Brush Your Teeth, We Learned To Have Sex’

The Children of God is a famous worldwide religious sex cult, and a woman who escaped the cult as a teenager is sharing her brutal story of horrific abuse.

There have been some famous members in this cult as children as well. Hollywood actors Rose McGowan and Joaquin Phoenix have both shared details of their own early childhood experiences in the sect.

All have shared details of what it was like living among the faithful. Dawn Watson, who grew up in the cult in Brazil, dreamed of escaping from the abuse she was subjected to. Like Rose and Joaquin, she made it out, but it left emotional scars.

While in the cult, Dawn was taught how to have sex at a young age.

She was forced to perform sex acts on ‘uncles’ and was shown images of naked women nailed to crucifixes. They call themselves a Christian sect, but this



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