COMMENTARY: Memo to Hollywood Liberals—Cut!

Just when I thought we might enjoy a respite from Hollywood leftist propaganda, in comes her royal highness Meryl Streep and the Golden Globes speech.

Many years ago, Spencer Tracy, a genuine actor’s actor, was asked for advice by an aspiring thespian. “Don’t let them catch you doing it,” Tracy said. Good acting is what happens when you can’t tell that the performer is doing it. When I watch Streep, it is obvious that she is doing it. I can’t get involved with the characters she portrays because preening Streep is in the way. The Golden Globes speech proves my point. It’s all done by the numbers: the quivering of the lips, the shaky voice, the tightening of the eyes, the gradual reduction to tears. The word I would use to describe Streep’s work is cloying (look it up). But what makes it really aggravating is how she uses her…



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