An in-depth anatomy of a coup against the President of the United States Donald Trump

Here is an in-depth anatomy of a coup against the President of the United States. It is a ‘soft’ coup and t is still in progress. There are certain characters that keep appearing and seem to be central keys to all the skullduggery. It is important that you are informed and familiar with those who are involved in these acts. You can start with Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel, and progress through a list of names like Steele, Strzok, and Ohr. This article covers their deeds and examines the facts. Who is behind this shadow government action?

As Written by and for Ann Coulter:

Every place you look in Robert Mueller’s investigation, the same names keep popping up: FBI agent Peter Strzok and sleazy, foreign private eye — or “British intelligence agent” — Christopher Steele.

So it’s rather important that they both are Trump-hating fanatics, and one was being paid by Trump’s



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